DP Testimonials

Social Worker Appreciation Month

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Social Workers within our Métis CFS System. You are the foundation of who we are as an Authority and Agency, and we commend you on the invaluable service.

Social Work Month logo with a leaf emblem and colourful letters

2022-2023 Annual Report Released

We're proud to announce the release of our 2022-2023 annual report! Inside we share details of the work we're doing here at Métis Child and Family Services Authority including partnerships, relevant legislation, and...

2022 to 2023 MMF Annual Report

2023 Holiday Party

A video from our Métis CFS System's 2023 Holiday Celebration! Our Authority and Agencies were able to host our children, youth, and families at the Red River Exhibition Centre for an afternoon of holiday cheer! This event included rides, crafts, food, and most...

Specialized Training

The Métis Child and Family Services Authority, the Métis Child, Family and Community Services and Michif Child and Family Services staff and care providers have the opportunity to access the select trainings free of charge.

Child and Family Services Applications (CFSA)

The Child and Family Services Applications training session is a 4 day session that provides supervisors, workers and administrative support staff with a comprehensive understanding of the Intake Module and the Child and Family Services Information System (CFSIS) computer applications.