Our Board

Miniature Indigenous infinity loop flag with a red Metis sash in the foreground and traditional beadwork design overlay

Our Board

Barbara Bruce

Barbara Bruce

Board Chair – Winnipeg Region
CFS board member Barb Lavallee
Barb Lavallee represents the Interlake Region and was a Métis CFS Authority Board Director for three years before becoming Vice Chair.

Barb Lavallee

Vice Chair – Interlake Region
Ron Chartrand represents the Northwest Region and was a Métis CFS Authority Board Director for four years before becoming Treasurer.

Ron Chartrand

Treasurer – Northwest Region
CFS Board Member Cathy Fiderchuck
Cathy Fidierchuk represents the Pas Region and has been the Métis CFS Authority Board Secretary since June, 2020.

Cathy Fidierchuck

Secretary – The Pas Region
CFS Board Member Marg Bagley
Marg Bagley represents the Southwest Region and has been a Métis CFS Authority Director and ex-officio for the Michif CFS Agency for the past 14 years.

Marg Bagley

Director – Southwest Region
MMF Board Member Reid
Elder Ried Harty represents the Winnipeg Region and has been an elder advisor for the Métis CFS Authority Board for the past eight years.

Reid Hartry

Elder Advisor – Winnipeg Region