Métis Child and Family Services Authority
Strong and vibrant Métis and Inuit families with safe and healthy children.

Métis Child and Family Services Authority
Strong and vibrant Métis and Inuit families with safe and healthy children.
We Need Caregivers!
Our greatest need is for caregivers that can keep our young people connected to their culture, families and communities.
Strong and Vibrant Métis and Inuit Families with Safe and Healthy Children
Métis Child and Family Services Authority contributes to a strong and healthy Métis and Inuit families and communities through culture, values and heritage supported through the wisdom of our elders.

News & Updates
Social Worker Appreciation Month
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Social Workers within our Métis CFS System. You are the foundation of who we are as an Authority and Agency, and we commend you on the invaluable service.
2022-2023 Annual Report Released
We're proud to announce the release of our 2022-2023 annual report! Inside we share details of the work we're doing here at Métis Child and Family Services Authority including partnerships, relevant legislation, and...
2023 Holiday Party
A video from our Métis CFS System's 2023 Holiday Celebration! Our Authority and Agencies were able to host our children, youth, and families at the Red River Exhibition Centre for an afternoon of holiday cheer! This event included rides, crafts, food, and most...